Emergency Preparedness

Personal, neighbourhood and community preparedness .

Examining all aspects of planning/action to make ourselves and communities more resillient to emergencies, be they short (earthquake) or longer term (climate change, peak oil).

  • Ann Pacey

    Dunbar Emergency Preparedness is really moving along. We've got our first coordinating meeting next Tuesday, December 13, at the Dunbar Community Centre to launch the Dunbar Earthquake and Emergency Preparedness (DEEP) program. Block watch captains covering 81 blocks will be convening to initiate a neighbourhood mapping effort and decide on next steps. The meeting is open to all Dunbar residents so come if you're interested.

  • Ann Pacey

    Earthquake preparedness: A community response

    Join us for an evening with Jerry Thompson, author of "Cascadia's Fault:
    The Coming Earthquake and Tsunami That Could Devastate North America".
    There will be a lecture and panel discussion around neighborhood earthquake preparation.

    Learn about the geology of the Cascadia's Fault and how an organized community response can help assist emergency responders, preserve property and save lives!

    Time: Wednesday November 7, 2012 from 7pm to 9pm
    Location: St. James Community Square (W 10th ave and Truch St.)

    For more information please contact: KitsEarthquakePrep@gmail.com

  • Jael Emberley

    On Nov 22, I hosted a MYN meeting of my block, located between Commercial and Nanaimo, 1st Ave and Hastings Street. We had 9 people, representing 5 households attending. Two long time residents of my block have been fired up by this presentation, and we plan to walk the neighbourhood to invite more people in the spring. Spring is a better time for this kind of meeting.

  • Dana Wilson

    Thanks so much to Jason Mertz for organising and to Ann Pacey for the inspiring-to-action presentation at Main St. Monthly (December) Potluck & Workshop. Here are images from the event: IMG_1551.jpg