Avril Orloff


Vancouver, BC


Profile Information:

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Riley Park-South Cambie

Comment Wall:

  • Randy Chatterjee

    So, I finally took your advice and shrunk the 'tiled' birds in the web page background, improved the main header resolution, and greyed out the photo behind the subtitle above. Incrementally better...

    BTW, I love your self portrait. See you soon again, I hope.
  • Avril Orloff

    Definitely better, Randy! One day when I have time to play again (!) I'd like to learn how to design a ning page. That isn't going to be for awhile yet - if I try to add anything else to my 'to do' list in the next 4 weeks, I'll implode and you'll have to use me for compost! But hopefully later in the spring.... Meanwhile I'll try to stay abreast of what's going on in our 'hood and continue getting to know my lovely neighbours!

    Hopefully see you at the next potluck!