Transition Cedar Cottage

Meet and Greet Tea! (meet the chickens too!) Sunday, February 22 from 1-3 pm)

Cedar Cottage Village:

Meet and Greet Tea! (meet the chickens too!)

Please join us in Cedar Cottage for a casual meet and greet and tea from 1-3PM on Sunday, February 22.

We'll meet our neighbours and discuss what we might envision for the Cedar Cottage village. (Neighbouring villages are also welcome). Community grant deadlines are fast approaching and if there is enough interest we can probably get some funding for some exciting projects. We will also discuss what days and times work best for a regular (likely monthly) potluck / workshop type gathering. (Commercial Drive and Main Street currently have similar events; check their VV pages for details of what this might look like).

The meet and greet will be hosted by Villager Alyssa K. Alyssa has chickens and a chicken coop tour will be provided. Coffee and a variety of tea will be available. If you can, please bring cookies/muffins, crackers/cheese, fruit/veggies or something else light to share. This event will be rain or shine; if nice weather it may be held outdoors.

Please RSVP for the address (near Knight and Kingsway and within a few blocks of many transit routes), and contact Alyssa ( or Ross ( if you can't attend but are still interested in being involved in the Cedar Cottage village. Please note (for those with allergies) that the household also includes dogs and cats. Children are welcome but the house is not child-proof.

Here are some ideas for workshops / activities / projects that we could do:
chickens 101
seed starting
fermenting (vegetables/sauerkraut/kimchee, kefir, kombucha, ginger beer)
craft night
sewing circle
clothing repair
bike maintanance

We look forward to seeing you there!

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    Lini Hutchings

    I would love to come and will bring food! Thanks for hosting! Lini