Jenny Rustemeyer

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In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Kensington-Cedar Cottage
Please tell us which areas of Transition interest you. For example: growing more food/urban agriculture, relocalizing our economy/local currency, Permaculture, transit, energy efficient buildings, the arts, urban homesteading, preserving seed diversity, placemaking, potlucks, outreach, organizing events, community-building, having fun while saving the world, or...
urban agriculture, potlucks, cycling initiatives, zero waste action, local economies
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  • Jordan B

    Hi Jenny, you'll be happy to know that since watching the Clean Bin Project I am much more conscious about what waste I am producing and taking measures to reduce it as much as possible. I've even taken to using the re-usable mesh bags for produce and bulk beans etc., which is something I wasn't doing before! I'd like to explore the idea of putting on a zero-waste fair sometime in the spring, including a screening of your film, waste reduction strategy demonstrations, and even the possibility for people to buy waste-reduction kits with things like mesh produce bags, portable reusable eating utensils, etc. Our Ecological Economics group in Village Vancouver is talking about developing policy proposals to put forth to the city to disincentivise waste as well!

  • Jordan B

    Hi Jenny, that's great that you've already got a screening planned for Vancouver! Where will it be taking place? Unfortunately this happens to fall on the very evening of a VV holiday gathering that the board is holding - coincidentally enough at Quayside Co-housing, home of Alan Burke who is featured in your film! However, I should put you in touch with Jocelynn Rodrigues who I know is a fan of yours - she owns a signed copy of your film - and she might be up for doing something. Perhaps we can organise another screening in Vancouver sometime in the New Year and make a big do of it, getting as many VV people involved as possible and making it an event where people can start taking the first steps towards a low-waste lifestyle.

  • Jordan B

    Hey Jenny, when is Captain Charles Moore going to be in Vancouver? It sounds like things are really coming together raising awareness about waste!

    BTW, I checked with Jocelynn to see if she might be able to help out with something at your Dec. 20 screening, but unfortunately she will be busy working at that time. She would however be very interested in helping organise some kind of screening/zero waste fair in the new year, so we'll have to stay in touch about that!