Mark Boiko

Profile Information:

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Please tell us which areas of Transition interest you. For example: growing more food/urban agriculture, relocalizing our economy/local currency, Permaculture, transit, energy efficient buildings, the arts, urban homesteading, preserving seed diversity, placemaking, potlucks, outreach, organizing events, community-building, having fun while saving the world, or...
Urban agriculture, Transit, outreach.
There's a saying that "Transition is not a spectator sport". It's true! Village Vancouver runs on people power, and engaging in activities and projects together helps us accomplish more. Which groups, networks, neighbourhood villages, or projects do you think you might be interested in getting involved with? And what knowledge, skills, resources or other assets can you bring to the mix? (Don't be bashful!)
I am a beekeeper who had to relocate back to Vancouver from Kamloops. I would like to participate as a volunteer in any aspect of community beekeeping. My skills and experience are quite diverse, and I am willing to branch out to other activities as well
What would you like to see improved in Vancouver or in your community regarding sustainability or resiliency? Do you have an idea for a new Transition project or activity?
I am just exploring the Transition Project but will have ideas to contribute very soon.
I agree to read and abide by the Site Guidelines under the About tab on the navigation bar, remaining respectful in all communications on this web site.
Don't feel like answering all the questions now? No worries, just tell us briefly why you're interested in joining at this time, and you can come back and update your profile later.
I have a life long belief in the need for a more sustainable approach to human development. We have already created a monster that will be extremely difficult to reign in, but the alternative is complete surrender so I want to help out.

Comment Wall:

  • Ross Moster

    Welcome to Village Vancouver, Mark!

    We're interested in establishing/increasing pollinator corridors in Kits and Vancouver. Would you be interested in discussing this? (BTW, Vancouver Foundation has funded a number of small scale local neighbourhood based bee keeping projects for up to $1,000 over the years, and there may be a bit of funding available this year, if you have an interest in applying. They're super easy to apply for - it generally takes less than an hour. The deadline is midnight, April 14th.

    VV Convenor (and a Kits resident)

  • Ross Moster

    That's fine.