Sarah Cawston-Stewart

Profile Information:

In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?
Riley Park-South Cambie
Please tell us which areas of Transition interest you. For example: growing more food/urban agriculture, relocalizing our economy/local currency, Permaculture, transit, energy efficient buildings, the arts, urban homesteading, preserving seed diversity, placemaking, potlucks, outreach, organizing events, community-building, having fun while saving the world, or...
Community-Building, composting, permablitzing, energy efficient homes, outreach, organizing events, and the arts.
What would you like to see improved in Vancouver or in your community regarding sustainability or resiliency? Do you have an idea for a new Transition project or activity?
Simple suggestions include; helping everyone in the neighborhood understand composting and then getting them to actually compost. Permablizing the yards of people fortunate enough to have space for an edible garden.
Somehow getting the heads of Translink to no longer have gas allowance, and have to take the bus 3 times a week minimum (that last one might be a bit tricky and/or impossible...)
I agree to read and abide by the Site Guidelines under the About tab on the navigation bar, remaining respectful in all communications on this web site.
Don't feel like answering all the questions now? No worries, just tell us briefly why you're interested in joining at this time, and you can come back and update your profile later.
I may still update my profile later...But thanks for reading about me! :)

Comment Wall:

  • Randy Chatterjee

    Sarah, welcome to the Main Street 'hood, our own little village in this huge metro area. I love your comments about Translink, and have been to numerous transit meetings where Translink staff, consultants, and attending city councillors were asked who among them took transit to the meeting. Never ONCE has any one of them replied in the affirmative. Yes, we have a problem, and that's just the start.
    Please, please try to come to our neighbourhood potluck next Tuesday at Little Mountain Neighbourhood House, on Main at 24th Ave. See the event posting by clicking here. Aside from running a fermentation workshop, we'll be filling out grant applications to tap into thousands of dollars of "Neighbourhood" and "Greenest City" grants from the Vancouver Foundation. And, we'll also be planning spring and summer food and flower plantings, everywhere. Also, our huge Main Street Seed Library will be there.
    Hope to see you soon.