Emily Hein



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In which Vancouver neighbourhood or other community do you live?

Comment Wall:

  • Randy Chatterjee

    Welcome to Village Vancouver, Emily.

    As you can see, we are just beginning to build an on-line community for Village Vancouver, and organize our extensive activities more openly and collaboratively through this site. Please feel free to contribute to a discussion, attend or even enter a new event, join a working group, or even form a Village.

    Jacqui and James also both live in Hastings, so you have the start of a local village. In other very local news, Village Vancouver, Neighbour to Neighbour, and the Hastings Park Conservancy will be hosting this coming spring a new Hastings Townsite design charrette, a way for the whole community to plan the community, its parkland, cycling routes, community gardens, and commercial areas. We'll let you know more about it in April.
  • Julia Smith

    Hey Emily! Send an email to my favorite chicken lady, Megan: dykeman@telus.net. Half of my hens have come from her and I've sent a lot of people her way. She has a good selection of very nice, healthy birds. If you are lucky, she may still have 2 beautiful Rhode Island Reds that were hand raised by 4-H kids and just started laying. Cheers!