Arzeena Hamir


Richmond, BC


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  • Mary Bennett

    Hi, I got some lovely lettuce and chard seeds in exchange for some oregano, marjoram and (not edible) vinca major--variegated.

    I've put out some other plants in front of 2605 West Fifth - grape hyacinths; marjoram; oregano; lemon balm; vinca major (periwinkle - but large and variegated).

    I also have some other things - including a small hydrangea bush, lambs ears; creeping jenny; sedum (large and small, but pretty ordinary). If you need some extra plants, send me a note and we can arrange something.

    Most are sun loving as we face south.

    PS - I'd love some french sorrel.
    (I'm still trying to figure out how to use the ning - so I think I missed your previous note.)
  • Ross Moster

    Hi Arzeena,

    What's happening with Transition Richmond?

    Is there a website we can provide a link to?

    And/or would you like to set up a page on VV site?

  • Ross Moster

    Aha! Hope all goes well.

    Let me know if there's anything we can do to help - feeling in village and Initiative expanding mode nowadays - Sunset, West End, Strathcona, etc.

    Three of us attended the NW Transition Convergence in Seattle a couple weeks ago. About 60-70 Transitionistas from all over. Either VV or Portland will host next year.

    Is Karen doing the workshops?