Kitsilano Transition Village

Neighbours sharing interest in community, sustainability and resiliency. Collaborative gardening, permaculture, workshops, Westside Food Festival, fruit orchard, block parties, community arts, seed libraries, collaborations w/other community groups, Organic Gardening Open House, recycling depot, Neighbourhood Small Grants, slow food/slow everything day, Folk Fest, Celebration of Light, Thanksgiving, Westside Neighbourhood Food Network, participation in Westside Food Collaborative, Westside Community Food Market, Khatsahlano, other community events, Salon d'Elan Vital, less consuming, more fun! COMMUNITY RESILIENCE.


Please contact Ross at for more info.

Collaboration We collaborate w/many local community groups, inc. Kits VPL, Kits Community Centre, Kits Neighbourhood House, SPEC, Billy Bishop Legion Hall, KCC Collaborative Garden, Society Le Village, LocoMotoArt, Westside Food Collaborative, and Vancouver Arts Colloquium Society, as well as MLA David Eby's Office, Vancouver Park Board, and the City of Vancouver.

Potlucks We do potlucks on Thanksgiving and Slow Food/Slow Everything Day (Terra Madre Day.) 2017 SF/SE: Saturday, Dec. 2nd. We also sometimes potluck after garden work parties and at other times.

Permaculture We maintain a small food forest on a private lot (and are looking for new projects).

Workshops We hold workshops at our gardens, Kits Library, and elsewhere.

Salon d'Elan Vital Occasional discussions/potlucks.

Collaborative Garden Weekly gardening, typically from Mar-Nov. Now in our 7th year, we also maintain several fruit trees. We sometimes have openings for new members.

Green Streets Garden We maintain a GS Garden. We're looking for a couple more gardeners.

McBride Park Community Garden New VV Community Garden starting in McBride Park. Contact us if you'd like to get involved.

Westside Food Festival The 1st festival took place July 18-31, 2017, featuring 40 activities (all free) @a dozen locations, inc. several workshops/ events in Kits. The next festival takes place in July 2018.

Plastics Recycling Depot Monthly depots on the Thursday before the 3rd Friday of the month at Kits CC. Free from Apr-Nov; by donation Dec-Mar. Now in our 6th year, new volunteers welcome.

Organic Gardening Open House We help organize this every April at Kits Library.

Neighbourhood Small Grants Need info on how to apply? We can help!

Drop in "Spaghetti" Nights Neighbours cooking meals for other neighbours. We've done around 40 of these over the years. No nights are currently scheduled, but get in touch if you'd like to hold/see one in your neighbourhood.

Monthly Dinner Groups We've had a couple groups in the past. If there's interest, let's start a new one.

Seed Library/Seed Savers Club We maintain 4 seed libraries - one at Kits Library, one at MLA David Eby's office, one for KV Collaborative Garden, and a roving one for street fairs, etc. Free seeds, seed swapping, donations, and occasional seed packet parties and Seed Saver Clubs

Westside Food Collaborative We're a longtime member of WFC.

Westside Community Food Market We have a booth (in June, July, part of Aug and Sept) at the weekly market, which is organized by SPEC and Kits House.

Seasonal Gatherings The Celebration of Light fireworks and Folk Fest in the summer, plus our Thanksgiving Potluck and Slow Food, Slow Everything Day.

  • Ross Moster

    Hi all,

    We're going to have a potluck soon. Details to follow.
  • Henry Gordon-Smith

    Hey guys! I am really interested in creating a small group that measures their impact on the planet and tries to reduce it on a goal basis over one year, implementing new goals each month and recording the progress. After that first year I feel like we would have a lot of experience to develop the ideas to improve our future. Let me know if you are interested in brainstorming ways of doing this with me or participating.
  • Ross Moster

    Hi Henry,

    Just a very quick welcome to the village for now. I'd be happy to talk with you about this -- it would be great to see something get going along these lines.

    There's a potluck coming up in a couple weeks; hope you can make it. See details in the discussion forum.

    And again, welcome.
    Ross, convenor Kits Village
  • Henry Gordon-Smith

    Thanks! Yeah I saw that. I will work on some sort of proposal and do my best to make it. Also, the site looks great, but cant we do something about those birds in the background?
  • Angela Squires

    April was a really busy month, not nearly enough time spent gardening so not enough relaxing done. I love this time of year with everything bursting with life, it is so amazing.
  • Henry Gordon-Smith

    I am in Prague, Czech Republic this week and had some thoughts that I wanted to share. I love this city, its beautiful architecture and culture. It is my home but I must say that I miss Vancouver, and especially Kits more than I ever imagined I would have. Traffic is extremely congested here and the air has this frequent polluted smell to it. Today I went to the beautiful park next to our home to exercise and there were so many potholes that I couldn't run without really hurting my knees and ankles. The city is really suffering as a result of the economic collapse, corruption and post-communism social disfunction.

    The point is that we are so lucky to have Kitsilano. I truly do miss it and can't wait to come back in the Fall and work with all of you to make it even better!
  • Angela Squires

    Hi Henry:
    Sorry to hear things are bad in Prague. I have never been there but have seen it in several movies. Do they have pollution prevention standards for vehicles? It sounds like there are none, hence the smell.
    I've always wondered why the west did not do more to help with advice on governance when Communism collapsed; we just left you guys to sort it out yourselves and expected you to transition to democracy as if that was somehow a natural state. We are still barely out of the jungle on an evolutionary time scale and can't expect people to be nice and fair to each other without a big carrot!
  • Mary Bennett

    Potlucks on the 2nd Sunday of each month? Ross and I were talking (emailing actually) about the benefits of having a regular date for a Kits Transition Village potluck - so we can get to know each other on a regular basis. I'm checking with my housing co-op to make sure no one has something else booked, but I can probably offer our common room for June, July and/or August. We're at 5th and Trafalgar. One or more of the events could be to meet up here and take a picnic down to the beach at the foot of Trafalgar (or stay here if it rains or such). Your thoughts - post here or send me a note to
  • Angela Squires

    Hi Mary:

    Second Sunday, June 13th, sounds good to me - at 6pm right? For June we'd better figure on your common room!
  • Angela Squires

    Many thanks to Mary for hosting our June potluck and her yummy chili. Your lemon balm and fennel tea was delicious.
  • Marnie

    Hi Kitsilano folk,

    Although I've worked here for a while, I've just moved to Kits, so am happy to join this group. I also work for SPEC which shares many of the goals and values of VV. I am holding a canning and preserving workshop at SPEC this Saturday October 23rd with SPEC board member Caitlin Dorward. We plan to make jam and pickled beans and discuss different canning and preserving methods.

    This hands-on workshop will run 1-3pm at SPEC. Participants will come away with a jar of preserves and instructions to help them get started.

    If you have little canning experience and would like to attend please register at If you are an experienced canner and would like to help support the budding folk, do feel free to join us!

    Thank you!

    Marnie Newell

    PS Kits Neighbourhood house is also holding their fall fair nearby the same day. So visit them that morning before heading over.
  • Ross Moster

    Welcome to Kits Village, Marnie! You're our 50th member.

    Caitlin is also a VV member (Main Street Neighbouhood village) -- small world!

    This sounds great.

  • Angela Squires

    Dinner at the Naam was awesome last night, Nov 14th. I had such a good time with so much constructive and positive chat. Thanks people!
  • Angela Squires

    January Potluck Sunday, Jan 9th, at the Billy Bishop Legion, 1407 Laburnum Street, 5pm onwards. 604 738 4142. No minors please - 19 years or older.

    The theme and surprises are still being pulled together but we are hoping to celebrate Plough Sunday with the Vancouver Morris Men for whom the pub is their 'village church' in Canada.

  • Angela Squires

    Just ran into Pia on Dec 26th - she seems to think the potluck/movie night at her house is tomorrow 27th yet the advertising says Dec 29th which is Wednesday - I don't have Pia's phone No and she's not on the Kits Village list.
  • Angela Squires

    OK I've straightened Pia out and she now knows it's this Wed 29th!
  • Ross Moster

    All's well then!

  • Angela Squires

    Yea Ross!  I'd really like to access a copy of that Automatic Earth DVD when we get it. I've been telling people about it, there's a lot of interest among thinking folks.  I'd buy it only I'm broke right now.  I think my Skeptics group would be interested in seeing it too.  See you on Wed.
  • Ross Moster

    Sounds good. See you at film night.
  • Angela Squires

    Potluck January 9th, Billy Bishop Legion, Plough Sunday

    The VMM will not be coming to the Billy but may be enjoyed on Granville Island. They perform at the Triangle Square area in front of the French Bakery at 1pm and 3pm.Angela will be going to their performances.

    VV will meet at 5.30pm onwards at the Billy whose members are welcome to bring a dish and join our potluck. The event will be advertised to Billy members. A Celtic style jam group meets from 7pm. and have been invited to come early and join in the potluck.

    Queries: call Angela at 778 322 8778 or post message here.

  • Ross Moster

    That was great fun tonight at the Billy! Thanks for organizing, Angela.
  • Angela Squires

    Thanks for coming out to the Billy - what a yummy selection of food!  I'm glad you enjoyed it there.
  • Angela Squires

    Kits Community Garden at Billy Bishop Legion 1407 Laburnum St

    Our proposal to use planting beds and areas for growing food in exchange for maintaining their existing landscaping received the approval of the House & Grounds Chair; it will be ratified by their Executive early Feb. Ross and I are going to check out the soil and develop plans/logistics for utilizing the good soil from KNH before construction begins.
    I like the idea of integrating food crops into existing landscaping in an aesthetically pleasing manner like we did at KNH, rather than the usual separation of landscape from 'kitchen garden' areas. We hope that this will stimulate other locations to make space available for community gardening in neighbourhoods.

    Please let us know if you are interested in participating in our Billy Bishop Community Garden. In February we will be doing some much needed pruning of shrubs that have been neglected and planning our crop planting and soil preparation.

  • Mary Bennett

    Does the Billy have a compost bin? And if not, could it?


  • Ross Moster

    I think it does...Angela?
  • Angela Squires

    No compost bin but we could have one behind the shed; no reason why not.  Is this one with worms?
  • Ross Moster

    Hey all!

    Interested in helping plan future Kits Village activities and direction?

    Good things are cooking  -- figuratively as well as  literally -- in our village! Currently activities include monthly potlucks/garden parties, movie nights, and dropin spaghetti nights.

    Last year we gardened collaboratively at Kits House and this year we're looking to start a new garden at Billy Bishop Legion Hall -- and perhaps in other locations as well.

    We just had our 1st Soup Freeze 'n Share earlier this week, with more in the works. And next up, of course, is our village Visioning session.

    A Permaculture "blitz" day (transforming a property using Permaculture design methods) is being planned for late March or early April,  as well as more gardening workshops, and word has it that there's going to be a village garage sale in early summer.

    There's also talk of starting a seed saving collective, and other ideas floating around include a bee keeping group and straw deliveries to the neighbourhood for gardeners and chicken keepers. And, of course, many of us are involved in the 20 or so block parties that take place in Kits every Car Free Day (June 19th).

    If you're interested in joining with other villagers in planning new activities, planning our village's direction, and in building community, please reply here or contact me. (Or come to the visioning session on Sunday, where we'll be discussing a lot of this)


    P.S. Several members are currently hosting or have hosted gatherings, and we're always looking for new places to get together. If you'd like to host something (a potluck, a spaghetti night, or ?) or know of free spaces that might be available, we'd love to hear from you!



  • Karen Elaine Gilchrist

    Love it! Need to set up both a compost & hive @ Heather Place's community garden!
  • Ross Moster

    Hey Pia,

    Great re: gardening at the Billy and the bee idea. There seem to be at least a few people with either bees or at least an interest in them in Kits Village; hoping you/they can connect. You might also want to check the beekeeping group (Karen you also) - go to food groups and scroll down.

    I think beekeeping will come up at the visioning session on Sunday...along with chickens, seed saving, collaborative gardening, straw deliveries, the Permaculture blitz in April/May, the soup freeze 'n share, and all the other good stuff we've been doing or talking about doing.


  • Ross Moster

    By the way all,

    In response to a question...

    the potluck is towards the end of the visioning (and we're not going to kick anyone out at 6).

  • Ross Moster

    I've sent the address for Sunday's Visioning/potuck to everyone who's RSVPed so far. If for some reason you haven't received it, please let me know.

    It's looking like a good turnout. (Still room for a few more!)




  • Ross Moster

    Some specific Visioning thoughts from Sue Lang...

    I am really trying to make year round gardening work. I would love to share practical ideas with people in the same boat. For example, last year was the first time I got a good crop of greens going in my garden for winter, only to have them all crushed by the early snow. Next year I plan to put support stakes all over my garden so i can throw a tarp or a blanket over the plants to pull them through. It's things like that i would like to talk about.

    I am also looking for a top quality source of organic garden soil...I have seen two online- Got Dirt and Artisan Landscaping....if anyone has any experience with these or can recommend a good organic gardening soil free of weeds, I would love to hear from them!

  • Ross Moster

    Our host Pia is getting over a cold, so we've decided to cancel Sunday's movie night and reschedule In Transition to the next movie night. (March 27).
  • Ross Moster

  • Ross Moster

    Movie night is being rescheduled to Monday evening. For the address, please RSVP on the event page.

    Reminder: Dropin spaghetti night this Wednesday. Please RSVP, so Derek knows how much food to make.

  • Ross Moster

    Hi all,

    The Permaculture PET (blitz) day (see events page) is at my place tomorrow. It looks like we have a pretty good crowd coming, but if anyone else wants to join us or just stop by to say hi, you're more than welcome to.

  • Zsuzsi Fodor

    A community conversation and potuck all about food happening in Kits on August 3rd! See the full details on the blog below.

  • Zsuzsi Fodor

    Kitsilano Neighbourhood House is on the search for youth aged 15-18 who are already or ready to be the next generation of movers and shakers in their communities! Although hosted on the west side youth from anywhere can register.

    Youth Volunteer Skills for youth aged 15-18 with little to no previous volunteer experience will begin on February 7 and run for 10 weeks. Workshops and 15 hours of volunteer experience will engage youth in team building, communication, self-reflection, and community engagement among other topics. 

    Youth Leadership is for youth aged 16-18 who have volunteer experience already and are looking for some extra challenges and skill building. Program starts on January 31. Work on community volunteer projects for 20 hours and engage in topics like social inequality, the environment, the food system, and multiculturalism.

    Register in person at 3683 West 4th, office hours are 9am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Cost is $25 including Kits House membership.


    - Youth must be available at least one day after school other than Tuesdays. Tuesdays is when we run the programs.

    -Both programs will be at St. Mark's Anglican Church at Larch and 2nd

    - Youth must be able to attend AT LEAST 7 of the skill building workshops (Tuesdays 4:00 – 5:30pm). Youth Volunteer Skills starts on    February 7 for 10 weeks. Youth Leadership starts on January 31 for 9 weeks.

    - Friendly and enthusiastic attitude

    For more information on Youth Volunteer Skills contact Julie Rieter 604-736-3588 ext. 33 or

    For more information on Youth Leadership contact Zsuzsi Fodor 604-736-3588 ext. 31 or

  • Zsuzsi Fodor

    Join us for a FREE community kitchen pilot session being held this Friday at St. Mark's Anglican Church from 6-8 pm at Larch and 2nd. Registration is open to all but you must register in advance as space is limited.

    We will prepare and enjoy a vegetarian meal together. No need to bring anything with you, just your hungry selves!

    You can contact me at Kitsilano Neighbourhood House 604-736-3588 ext. 31 or Please do register ASAP so we can ensure we have enough participants to run the session.

  • Ross Moster

    We'll have the Kits Village Seed Library at the potluck tonight. Please feel free to take some seeds, including a bunch of new seeds. And to bring some to replenish the library now (and later in the season as your plants grow.)

  • Janet

    Hello neighbors,

    Please join me next Wednesday for crane folding in support of making ecocide illegal. I will provide spaghetti (or possibly some other meal). Sign up on the events page so I can keep you posted on the menu and send you my address. So far all the people coming can walk! Nice feeling of locality. But don't let it dissuade you from coming if you have to pedal or drive. Last crane folding we had so much fun that people stayed until the hour was well into the double digits. And kept folding cranes! Hope to see you there.


  • Marika Hall

    Hi Folks
    I am about to start up a medicinal herb garden on the traffic circle on Maple st and 13th ave which has been funded by the community neighbourhood grants. We will not be needing some of the current resident plants and wanted to offer them to anyone who may like them. They are Iris, Heuchera, Heather, Sedum, Caentauea Montana, Hardy Geranium, Helleborus, Crocosmia, Eryngium. Please let me know if you would like any of these asap. We will be working in the garden tomorrow morning from 8:30 t0 10:30, sunday afternoon and monday or tuesday evening.

  • Mary Bennett

    Come and learn to wrap gifts with fabric - furoshiki - at Kits House next Tuesday 6:30-8:30pm with Keiko Honda. See you there.