Neighbourhood Food Networks

VV's been very active around food resiliency over the past 13 years through our Neighbourhood Food Networks. Focusing on 4 areas: Action,  Education, Planning (the Community Food Resiliency component of our Energy Descent Action Plan), and Collaboration. As a Transition Town Hub and Initiative,  WE CULTIVATE COMMUNITY, WE GROW FOOD, WE HELP BUILD A MORE RESILIENT, JUST, AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM.

VV is a member of Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks.

Volunteers needed for our Demo Community Village at Khatsalano Music + Art Festival this Saturday

Hi all,

We're going to do a smallish community village (3 or 4 tents) at the Khatsalano street fest on Saturday, and need help with setting up (around 9:30-11am), tabling (noon-8pm), and breaking down (8-9pm). Chickens, seed library, displays, etc.

On 4th, between Larch and Trafalgar, in the Kits Neighbourhood House part of the festival.

Please contact Ross at if you can help for a couple/few hours.

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    Alyssa K

    I could be convinced, I think. Who's chickens are coming?

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      Ross Moster

      Hey Alyssa, Duncan's chickens will be there. Think they're bringing Duncan with them.

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        Ross Moster

        Hey all,

        We could use a few more volunteers -- anytime between noon and 8:30.