West End Neighbourhood Food Network

Formed in 2011, West End Neighbourhood Food Network is a diverse network of community members and organizations working together for a just, sustainable, and resilient food system in the West End. Join us at our monthly potlucks, skills building workshops, seed and plant swaps, food scrap drop spots (2012-15), community festivals, and at our other activities and projects.

Website: www.foodwestend.wordpress.com

Contact us: Ross Moster ross.wenfn@gmail.com

WENFN is a member of Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks. Village Vancouver helped start and collaborates with WENFN on a number of activities.

In the West End we help provide workshops, gardening advice, West End Urban Garden Club Meetups, giveaways and more!

WE Neighbourhood Food Network June Community Potluck

Sunday, June 14, 2015 from 1pm to 2:30pm

West End Community Centre, Barclay Room
870 Denman Street

RSVP on event post or to WENFN (ross.wenfn@gmail.com)

Share some good food and conversation with neighbours. Bring something yummy to share and a cup, bowl, spoon, etc. if you're able to, and find out the latest with the West End Neighbourhood Food Network, Everyone welcome!

We'll have a seed library present - you can get some free seeds for your garden or swap or donate some seeds

Watch for additional WENFN potlucks, workshops, and other activities at WECC and Gordon Neighbourhood House.

Ongoing: Food Scrap Drop Spots -- every Saturday from 10-noon @WECC through June 27th.

WENFN is sponsored by Gordon Neighbourhood House.