Hastings Sunrise Village

Interested in yard-sharing, food networking, block parties, community action, creative living? Help the Hastings Sunrise Village get underway! 

Dinner Network

A dinner network shares purchase, preparation, dining and clean-up at regular intervals (eg. a few times a week or once a month etc.). It is a way to save cooking time, is an excellent community builder, and a way to develop local food purchase practices and share food knowledge. It can be organized by cycling through members' homes, or by finding a local community kitchen space. Our neighbourhood has some spaces that could be used. Please let me know if you would be interested in participating and we can get it going.

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    John Frederick George McCone

    I'm interested in gettng it going.

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      Toni Glick

      I realize I'm a year late, but I would like to be involved in something like this.


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        I had not realized anyone had replied. Do we need a few more people? I will look into venues as soon as we have enough to make it work.