Neighbourhood Food Networks

VV's been very active around food resiliency over the past 13 years through our Neighbourhood Food Networks. Focusing on 4 areas: Action,  Education, Planning (the Community Food Resiliency component of our Energy Descent Action Plan), and Collaboration. As a Transition Town Hub and Initiative,  WE CULTIVATE COMMUNITY, WE GROW FOOD, WE HELP BUILD A MORE RESILIENT, JUST, AND SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM.

VV is a member of Vancouver Neighbourhood Food Networks.

New VV garden plot at Cottonwood Community Garden - looking for a couple gardeners

Village has a new garden plot at Cottonwood Community Garden in Strathcona, and we're looking for a couple additional Villagers to garden collaboratively. Cost is $5/year person, there's a 4 hr/month per plot work requirement at monthly garden work parties (per plot, not per person, next work party is Nov 24), and an orientation for new members.

The plot will also be used to save seeds for our seed libraries and seed projects.

If you're interested or have questions: Ross at or