Village Vancouver

Vancouver's Leader in Transition toward Strong, Resilient, Complete Communities

False Creek South Village


False Creek South Village

For neighbours in False Creek South.

In collaboration with Re*Plan and False Creek South Neighbourhood Association.

False Creek Grill and Chill August 9. Details below.

Members: 7
Latest Activity: Oct 31, 2021

False Creek Grill and Chill August 9!

Hello Neighbours,

We are getting excited about the False Creek South Grill and Chill Block Party on August 9.
A lot of people have RSVPd and we look forward to food and fun with our neighbours.

Most Important:

1) be ready for an awesome party from 12pm - ~5pm. BBQ will be hot from ~12-3pm
2) bring your eventbrite ticket (sent to you by email after your registered)
3) bring a dish to share, as well as your own cutlery and utensils and a bag to take it all home
4) read details below Below some details about the event and a call for volunteers

Click Here for the Location (Charleson Park West)

We need help!
We are looking for volunteers for various small tasks at the event:

BBQ: 3 people needed from 12-2pmto flip the paddies

Greeter Table: 3 people needed (2 ppl from 12-2pm and 1 person from 2-4pm) to welcome people, redeem their tickets and tell them about the things that are going on

Bike Parade Decoration Help: 3 people needed from 12-1pm to give the kids (and adults) a hand

Slip and Slide Supervision: 2 people needed (1 x 2-4pm / 1 x 4-6pm) to make sure nobody gets too excited about the water and soap

Button Maker Helper: 2 people needed (1 x 12-2pm / 1 x 2-4pm) to help make buttons

Set-up: Any help is welcome from 10am-12pm and at the end of the day

Please get in touch with Christina if you would like to help out with a specific task


We are ready to BBQ and enjoy some food with you on August 9. While games will go on, please come between 12 - 3pm for food.

The BBQ: Please print a hard copy of your Eventbrite Ticket. and redeem it for a BBQ voucher at the greeter table. We will have enough (locally sourced) burgers for everyone who registered. If you would like to eat more, we would ask you for a little donation.

Your dish: Please bring a potluck dish to share. We will have tables set up for this purpose. We will be delivering compostable potluck containers next week, if you have expressed interest in getting a Re*Plan container. If you bring your own dish and serving utensil, please mark them with your name.

Waste: We are trying to minimize our environmental impact at the event and ask you to please bring your own Dishes, Cups and Cutlery. Please bring a little bag to take your dirty dishes and recycling back home.


We have prepared a slip and slide, button making and a bike parade for the kids.
Bring Camping Chairs or Blankets to sit on. Also make sure to bring your own games: Frisbees, Slack Lines, Kubb (aka Viking Chess), Bocce, Chess ... everything is welcome.

The Bike Parade: Kids, bring your bikes! Bike-decorating supplies will be provided from noon to 1pm, or come already decorated. The Children's bike parade begins at 1pm! We are also looking for helpers for the decoration

The 'Slip and Slide': The set-up will be ready for your enjoyment from noon until the rivers run dry. Please bring Towels and Swim Suits! We are also looking for two people to supervise the set-up from 2-6pm

Toilets will be provided on-site.

Any questions?
Get in touch with Peer-Daniel via 5201 or Christina via

See you soon,
Sean, Christina, Bree, Steve, Marta, Ross, Peer-Daniel, Sean, Jo-Ann and others

False Creek South Grill and Chill
is an Event of the False Creek South Neighbourhood Association,
the Charleson Park Community Garden
and Village Vancouver
Picture of 9-tree-hill (close to Spruce Harbour Marina)

Village Vancouver Logo

False Creek South Neighbourhood Association

The False Creek South Neighbourhood Association comprises representatives from enclaves north of West Sixth Avenue between the Cambie and Burrard bridges.

The association meets monthly to discuss issues of concern to residents on the south side of the Creek. The FCSNA encourages residents to be actively involved in proposed changes in the neighbourhood. Moreover it aims to bring residents together to work collaboratively on changes affecting the neighbourhood.

To find out more about the Neighbourhood Association, visit:

Re*Plan is a working committee of the False Creek South Neighbourhood Association. Find out more via

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Members (7)


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Interested in participating in a VV garden? We have collaborative gardens/garden spaces in 5 neighbourhoods. Contact us at Gardening now in progress. New gardeners welcome (space allowing).

Kits Village Recycling Depot (Kits Community Centre) Next depot: Thursday, June 15th

Main St. Village monthly gatherings (1st Tuesdays Little Mountain Neighbourhood House) Currently on hold due to COVID

Permaculture Vancouver Meetups (3rd Wednesdays VV McBride Park Fieldhouse (sometimes elsewhere) Next meetup: Special date Thursday, July 29th

West End Community Potluck/WE Urban Garden Club (3rd Sundays West End Community Centre, in July and August 4th Thursdays - July 22nd and August 26th.

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